Sunday 15 January 2012


I know what you're thinking...."Hey Ang, what's with blog? Is updating your facebook statuses not enough anymore?" To that question, I would have to say no they are not. After being mocked regarding my "deep" status updates and my lack of explanation for them, I thought that perhaps a blog is a better way to go. I mean, it's not like I can sum up all of my thoughts in the little spot that facebook provides me, which simply states, "What's on your mind?" I don't feel right posting my latest questions about life, in the same place in which people post the fact that they are taking a piss. (by the way, I have probably posted that as my status at some point).
This is simply an outlet for me, and if you happen to gain even the slightest bit of understanding from it, great. 
Till next time.

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